Lemon In Orbit
by Ole Hagen
£10 (pub. 2021)
Somewhere between the quirky wisdom of Dr. Seuss and the compressed surrealism of Selima Hill, these poems are cheeky and exhilarating, full of strange insights and eternal truths dressed up as onions strapped to the legs (to paraphrase a line from ‘Globetrotter’). That Ole is a visual artist can be seen and felt viscerally in his mesmerizing debut collection. “With what I could fit in a bucket / I made my way through the labyrinth // I was both the mover and the maze / as they say in these parts of the garden” (‘Millennium’).
Praise for Lemon In Orbit:
“Comic, but deadly serious too, Hagen's poems are mythograms from another spacetime. Anyone looking for straightforward meaning will be frustrated here; these words are not for you but for something inside you. Reading Hagen's verses is like reading precise communiques from another world that is nevertheless within this one. Has poetry ever meant anything else?”
– Simon O’Sullivan, artist and co-author of Fictioning: The Myth-Functions of Contemporary Art and Philosophy
Tuesday fell on a Friday
Doors fell off their hinges
Driving to the edge of town
a croissant strapped to my leg
Tiny erotic bookshops
hitting the windscreen
These are not bad times
only badly behaved times
(from Lemon In Orbit)